Boca Raton High School Workshop 2023

Boca Raton High School Workshop 2023

There was a lot of information shared on our S4L elements during Boca Raton High School’s driver education class today! A bog thank you @christinemorgantijiggins @delraymedcenter @labovicklawgroup @bocapolice #safedriving #cybersecurity #humantraffickingawareness #safetyfirst

Brian LaBovick, President of the Safety 4 Life Foundation

Brian LaBovick, President of the Safety 4 Life Foundation

 This workshop features lawyer, author, entrepreneur, and the president of the Safety 4 Life Foundation, Brian LaBovick. The focus of this workshop is road safety and the legal consequences of being an irresponsible driver. Motor vehicle crashes continue to be a leading cause of death for persons aged 15-21. When teens begin driving distractions and […]

Dave Aronberg State Attorney for Palm Beach County

Dave Aronberg State Attorney for Palm Beach County

Our first workshop features former State Senator and current State Attorney Dave Aronberg who speaks about what a state attorney’s office does and the difference between crimes vs infractions, and how to be a safety leader. Three of the Safety 4 Life elements are addressed along with the description of state and federal crimes, and […]